VM600-2 2 Axis Digital readout DRO Specification:
Zero clearing
mm/inch mode
ABS/INC coordinate conversion
200sets sub datum
Power of Memory;
Center of1/2
Liner error compensation
Sleepping mode
Clear 200 sets Sdm datum;
ABS/INC mode
Drilling of circumference
Drilling of oblique line
Machining of inclined plane
Machining of circular arc
Lathe function(match)
Rectangular lumen gradual processing
Digital filtering
R function
Radius/Diameter function (lathe machine )
Z+Y sum (lathe machine)
DRO Parameters:
Voltage Range: AC 80V~260V/50HZ~60HZ
Power Consumption: 25VA
Coordinates: 4 axis
Display: 8 digits display
Input Signal: TTL square wave or EIA-442-A (option)
Input Signal frequency: 100KHZ
Length resolution: 5um/1um/2um/10um/0.5um/20um
Operation Keyboard: pressure sensitive key pad